# Clusterfile

Clusterfile is a file that is used to describe the desired cluster state, such as node information, node configuration, and various startup configurations. it supports more flexible cluster configs like user defined kubeadm config, helm values config overwriting, plugins ...

This file can contain multiple objects in YAML format, such as cluster API, plugin API, config API.

# Cluster API

# Cluster Spec

ClusterSpec defines the desired state of Cluster

type ClusterSpec struct {
	// desired cluster image name.
	Image string `json:"image,omitempty"`
	// cluster level ENV list. it can be used to render configurations files under rootfs.
	Env     []string `json:"env,omitempty"`
	// it's a string list to overwrite cluster image`s boot command.
	CMD     []string `json:"cmd,omitempty"`
	// APPNames This field allows user to specify the app name they want to run launch.
	APPNames []string `json:"appNames,omitempty"`
	//hosts information for the cluster.
	Hosts    []Host   `json:"hosts,omitempty"`
	// cluster level ssh configs, if all cluster host is the same credentials, only need to set this field.
	SSH      v1.SSH   `json:"ssh,omitempty"`
	// HostAliases holds the mapping between IP and hostnames that will be injected as an entry in the
	// host's hosts file.
	HostAliases []HostAlias `json:"hostAliases,omitempty"`
	// Registry field contains configurations about local registry and remote registry.
	Registry Registry `json:"registry,omitempty"`

type Host struct {
	// host ip list.
	IPS   []net.IP `json:"ips,omitempty"`
	// Host roles, its value is "master" Or "node".
	Roles []string `json:"roles,omitempty"`
	//host SSH configs.
	SSH v1.SSH `json:"ssh,omitempty"`
	//host level env list.
	Env    []string          `json:"env,omitempty"`
	// If not nil, labels will be set on this host.
	Labels map[string]string `json:"labels,omitempty"`
	// If not nil, taints will be set on this host.
	Taints []string          `json:"taints,omitempty"`

type HostAlias struct {
	// IP address of the host file entry.
	IP string `json:"ip,omitempty"`
	// Hostnames for the above IP address.
	Hostnames []string `json:"hostnames,omitempty"`

type Registry struct {
	// LocalRegistry is the sealer builtin registry configuration
	LocalRegistry *LocalRegistry `json:"localRegistry,omitempty"`
	// ExternalRegistry used to serve external registry service. do not support yet.
	ExternalRegistry *ExternalRegistry `json:"externalRegistry,omitempty"`

type RegistryConfig struct {
	Domain   string `json:"domain,omitempty"`
	Port     int    `json:"port,omitempty"`
	Username string `json:"username,omitempty"`
	Password string `json:"password,omitempty"`

type ExternalRegistry struct {

type LocalRegistry struct {
	// HA indicate that whether local registry will be deployed on all master nodes.
	// if LocalRegistry is not specified, default value is true.
	HA *bool `json:"ha,omitempty"`
	// Insecure indicated that whether the local registry is exposed in HTTPS.
	// if true sealer will not generate default ssl cert.
	Insecure *bool   `json:"insecure,omitempty"`
	// Additional cert configuration information for the built-in registry
	Cert     TLSCert `json:"cert,omitempty"`

type TLSCert struct {
	SubjectAltName *SubjectAltName `json:"subjectAltName,omitempty"`

type SubjectAltName struct {
	DNSNames []string `json:"dnsNames,omitempty"`
	IPs      []string `json:"ips,omitempty"`

# Use cases

# Apply a simple cluster by default

create 3 masters and a node using cluster image docker.io/sealerio/kubernetes:v1.22.15

apiVersion: sealer.cloud/v2
kind: Cluster
  name: default-kubernetes-cluster
  image: docker.io/sealerio/kubernetes:v1.22.15
    passwd: xxx
    - ips: [,, ]
      roles: [ master ]
    - ips: [ ]
      roles: [ node ]

# Different hosts have different credential (for example password,and port)

cluster.spec.ssh is cluster level ssh credential, if different hosts have different credential we only need to set the cluster.spec.hosts.ssh.

apiVersion: sealer.cloud/v2
kind: Cluster
  name: default-kubernetes-cluster
  image: docker.io/sealerio/kubernetes:v1.22.15
    passwd: xxx
    port: "2222"
    - ips: [ ] # this master ssh port is different with others.
      roles: [ master ]
        passwd: yyy
        port: "22"
    - ips: [, ]
      roles: [ master ]
    - ips: [ ]
      roles: [ node ]

# Pre-set roles,labels,taints for cluster node

set cluster.spec.hosts.labels, cluster.spec.hosts.roles and cluster.spec.hosts.taints in Clusterfile.

apiVersion: sealer.cloud/v2
kind: Cluster
  name: my-cluster
    - ips:
        fake: labels
        - master
        - key1=value1:NoSchedule
    - ips:
        sealer: test
        - node
  image: docker.io/sealerio/kubernetes:v1.22.15
    passwd: password
    pk: /root/.ssh/id_rsa
    port: "22"
    user: root

# Overwrite cluster image`s boot command.

we can overwrite the boot command by set cluster.spec.cmd in Clusterfile, this will only execute the cmd value to launch cluster image.

apiVersion: sealer.cloud/v2
kind: Cluster
  name: default-kubernetes-cluster
  image: docker.io/sealerio/kubernetes:v1.22.15
    passwd: xxx
    - ips: [,, ]
      roles: [ master ]
    - ips: [ ]
      roles: [ node ]
  cmd: [ "kubectl apply -f etc/tigera-operator.yaml", "kubectl apply -f etc/custom-resources.yaml" ]

# Overwrite cluster image`s boot apps.

we can overwrite the boot apps by set cluster.spec.appNames in Clusterfile, if a cluster image contains one or more apps by default.

apiVersion: sealer.cloud/v2
kind: Cluster
  name: default-kubernetes-cluster
  image: myimage-with-nginx-mysql:v1
    passwd: xxx
    - ips: [,, ]
      roles: [ master ]
    - ips: [ ]
      roles: [ node ]
  appNames: [ "nginx" ]

# Using cluster ENV in Clusterfile

cluster cluster.spec.env is used to render go template files under rootfs directory which file name is with extension ".tmpl".

files under below directory will be rendered by default.

  1. "${rootfs}/etc"
  2. "${rootfs}/charts"
  3. "${rootfs}/manifests"

for example ,if we want to customize kubeadm config like "podSubnet" and "serviceSubnet" at etc/kubeadm.yaml.tmpl using env render.

apiVersion: kubeadm.k8s.io/v1beta2
kind: ClusterConfiguration
kubernetesVersion: v1.22.15
controlPlaneEndpoint: "apiserver.cluster.local:6443"
imageRepository: sea.hub:5000
  podSubnet: {{ .PodCIDR }}
  serviceSubnet: {{ .SvcCIDR }}

set "PodCIDR=","SvcCIDR=" in cluster.spec.env, sealer will render the "kubeadm.yaml.tmpl" file and create a new file named kubeadm.yaml,and will use the new one to init the cluster.

apiVersion: sealer.cloud/v2
kind: Cluster
  name: my-cluster
    - PodCIDR=
    - SvcCIDR=
      - master
      passwd: password123
      port: "22"
      user: root
  image: docker.io/sealerio/kubernetes:v1.22.15

# Using host ENV in Clusterfile

Host env cluster.spec.hosts.env is generally used to configure script and plugin execution environment variables ,it also inherits the cluster's env cluster.spec.env list.

for example, some node have different storage device, we can set its real value by exporting host env to shell scripts. cluster default storage device is "StorageDevice=/dev/vdc", while master node is "StorageDevice=/dev/vde", sealer will use host env "StorageDevice=/dev/vde" for master node as their key is equal.

apiVersion: sealer.cloud/v2
kind: Cluster
  name: my-cluster
  image: docker.io/sealerio/kubernetes:v1.22.15
    - EtcdDevice=/dev/vdb # EtcdDevice is device for etcd, default is "", which will use system disk
    - StorageDevice=/dev/vdc # StorageDevice is device for kubelet and container daemon, default is "", which will use system disk
    - ips: [ ]
      roles: [ master ] # add role field to specify the node role
      env: # all env are NOT necessary, rewrite some nodes has different env config
        - EtcdDevice=/dev/vdb
        - StorageDevice=/dev/vde
    - ips: [ ]
      roles: [ node ]

# Config API

Using config, you can overwrite or merge any config files you want. Like chart values, kubeadm config file ...

# Config Spec

below is the ConfigSpec, it defines the desired state of Config resource.

type ConfigSpec struct {
	// Enumeration value is "merge" and "overwrite". default value is "overwrite".
	// Only yaml files format are supported if strategy is "merge", this will deeply merge each yaml file section.
	// Otherwise, will overwrite the whole file content with config data.
	Strategy string `json:"strategy,omitempty"`
	// preprocess with processor: value|toJson|toBase64|toSecret
	Process  string `json:"process,omitempty"`
	// config real data
	Data     string `json:"data,omitempty"`
	// the path to write the configs.the desired state of Cluster
	Path     string `json:"path,omitempty"`

# Use cases

# Using config to overwrite mysql chart values

Append you config file into Clusterfile like this:

apiVersion: sealer.aliyun.com/v1alpha1
kind: Config
  name: mysql-config
  path: application/apps/mysql/mysql.yaml
  data: |
    mysql-user: root
    mysql-passwd: xxx

sealer will overwrite the file config.spec.path("application/apps/{APP name}/{you target file}") under cluster image with the specified value config.spec.data.

# Using processor to pre process data into a specific format

Currently, sealer supported preprocessor list:

  1. value: used to indicate that whether preprocess the entire data. if not set ,will only preprocess the value.
  2. toJson: convert data to json format.
  3. toBase64: encode data to base64 string.
  4. toSecret: convert data to k8s secret format.

we can freely combine these processors, if strategy is tojson|tobase64 the entire data will be converted to json and then encoded to base64 string.


this will convert value to json, and then encoded it to base64 string.

apiVersion: sealer.aliyun.com/v1alpha1
kind: Config
  name: mysql-config
  path: etc/mysql.yaml
  process: value|toJson|toBase64 # pre process pipeline
         username: root
         passwd: xxx

pre process data to json:

  "username": "root",
  "passwd": "xxx"

then process to base64: ewogICJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ICJyb290IiwKICAicGFzc3dkIjogInh4eCIKfQ== and write to config.spec.path: etc/mysql.yaml with the content:

config: ewogICJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ICJyb290IiwKICAicGFzc3dkIjogInh4eCIKfQ==

# Plugin API

# Plugin Spec

PluginSpec defines the desired state of Plugin

type PluginSpec struct {
	Type   string `json:"type,omitempty"`
	Data   string `json:"data,omitempty"`
	Action string `json:"action,omitempty"`
	Scope  string `json:"scope,omitempty"`
  1. for PluginSpec.Type: plugin type,currently only supported "SHELL".
  2. for PluginSpec.Data: plugin`s real data, sealer will use it to do actual action.
  3. for PluginSpec.Scope: plugin`s scope, it is usually the role name, support use '|' to specify multiple scopes.
  4. for PluginSpec.Action: phase of this plugin will run. below is the phase list we currently supported.

The following is a detailed introduction for plugin action.

action name action scope explanation
pre-init-host cluster host will run before init cluster host
post-init-host cluster host will run after init cluster host
pre-clean-host cluster host will run before clean cluster host
post-clean-host cluster host will run after clean cluster host
pre-install master0 will run before install cluster
post-install master0 will run after install cluster
pre-uninstall master0 will run before uninstall cluster
post-uninstall master0 will run after uninstall cluster
pre-scaleup master0 will run before scaleup cluster
post-scaleup master0 will run after scaleup cluster

# Use cases

# Configure the system disk before initialize the host

use pre-init-host to init each host`s disk.

apiVersion: sealer.aliyun.com/v1alpha1
kind: Plugin
  name: pre_init_host
  type: SHELL
  action: pre-init-host
  scope: master | node
  data: |
    set -x
    bash scripts/pre_init_disk.sh
    if [ $? -ne 0 ];then
      exit 1

# Configure cluster storage class after install the cluster

use post-install to configure cluster storage class.

apiVersion: sealer.aliyun.com/v1alpha1
kind: Plugin
  name: post_install
  type: SHELL
  action: post-install
  data: |
    set -x
    # process taints first
    if [ "${RemoveMasterTaint}" == "true" ];then
      kubectl taint node node-role.kubernetes.io/master- --all || true
    # set default storageclass and snapshot
    kubectl annotate storageclass yoda-lvm-default snapshot.storage.kubernetes.io/is-default-class="true" --overwrite
    kubectl annotate storageclass yoda-lvm-default storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class="true" --overwrite