# GPU CloudImage

# Preparation

  1. Install nvidia driver on your host.
  2. Install the latest version of sealer on your host.

# How to build it

We provide GPU base image in our official registry named registry.cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com/sealer-io/kubernetes-nvidia:v1.19.8.you can use is directly. meanwhile, we provide the build context in the applications' directory. it can be adjusted it per your request.

Run below command to rebuild it.

sealer build -f Kubefile -t registry.cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com/sealer-io/kubernetes-nvidia:v1.19.8 -m lite .

# How to apply it

  1. Modify the Clusterfile according to your infra environment,here is the Clusterfile for example.
apiVersion: sealer.cloud/v2
kind: Cluster
  name: default-kubernetes-cluster
  image: registry.cn-qingdao.aliyuncs.com/sealer-io/kubernetes-nvidia:v1.19.8
    passwd: xxx
    - ips: [,, ]
      roles: [ master ]
    - ips: [ ]
      roles: [ node ]
  1. Run command sealer apply -f Clusterfile to apply the GPU cluster. it will take few minutes.

# How to check the result

  1. Check the pod status to run kubectl get pods -n kube-system nvidia-device-plugin, you can find the pod in Running status.
  2. Get the node details to run kubectl describe node, if nvidia.com/gpu shows on 'Allocated resources' section,you get a k8s cluster with GPU.